The Rector of the University of Palangka Raya (Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, MS), accompanied by the Vice Rector UPR for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Darmae Nasir received a visit from the Indonesian JICA Team and the Japanese Embassy for Indonesia on Wednesday, 26 July 2023.  The two parties discussed various matters related to aspects of rehabilitation, restoration, and problems/challenges in the ex-Mega Rice Project (MRP) area, 1 million hectares in Central Kalimantan, as well as discussions regarding UPR’s current activities related to project area and future collaboration.

As it is known that JICA Indonesia has concern and commitment to nature and environment conservation, cultural exchange, and development of human resources through cooperation between countries. So far, JICA has collaborated with University of Palangka Raya (UPR) through Hokkaido University and other institutions in Japan for 5 years (2009 – 2014) supported on the project “Wildfires on carbon Management in Peat Forest in Indonesia”. The project was focused on the peatland ecosystem in Central Kalimantan with various activities such as scientific exchange, capacity building, peat restoration and rehabilitation, etc.

The JICA delegation was directly led by Mr. Yasui Takehiro as Chief of JICA Representative for Indonesia, accompanied by Mr. Okamura Kenji as Senior Representative for JICA Indonesia and other staff, as well as several JICA’s experts.

Meanwhile, from the Japanese Embassy in Indonesia, consist of:

  1. Dr. Takuya Nomoto, Environmental Attache of the Japanese Embassy for Indonesia, concurrently serving as First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy.
  2. Mr. Takase Yuki, Construction and Property Attache of the Japanese Embassy for Indonesia.
  3. Mr. Wakabayashi Hajime, Secretary for Forestry, Fisheries, and Nature Conservation, Japanese Embassy for Indonesia.
Mr. Yasui Takehiro as Chief of JICA Representative for Indonesia visits Block-A Ex MRP in Dadahup, District of Kapuas

The JICA Team and the Japanese Embassy also had the opportunity to visit the Ex-MRP Areas in Block-A Dadahup (Kapuas District) and Block C (Pulang Pisau District and Palangka Raya City) accompanied by the UPR Expert Team coordinated by Hendrik Segah, Ph.D, Director Center for Development of Science, Technology and Peatland Innovation (PPIIG) University of Palangka Raya, Dr. Dhanu Pitoyo (Vice Director of PPIIG UPR, sociology expert) and Dr. Zafrullah Damanik (Secretary of PPIIG UPR, soil science expert).

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